Christmas may have been and gone but we still have plenty to share with you from our furry fashionistas!! This week Barbora Ondrackova @fashioninmysoul manages to fit in a bit of skating in her amazing Stephane Rolland fur coat in Dresden, Germany. Check out the images below and also Barbora’s take on our FUR NOW campaign. Enjoy!
With Christmas around the corner, I am starting to feel more and more festive. I have been to the Christmas markets in Prague and Dresden, I decorated the Christmas tree and I also woke up my inner child when ice skating at this beautiful ice rink. Even though I am in my exam period at the moment, I am still trying to enjoy the holidays to the fullest. With the winter coming, it is getting colder and colder everyday. One of the things that I enjoy this winter is fur. You all know that I got this fake one at the beginning of December and I am loving a lot. Today I am wearing real fur coat by the amazing Stephane Rolland. You can check out the International Fur Federation’s latest FUR NOW campaign for more inspiration here – I love so many items – it’s crazy! I have paired the fur with a pair of white skinny jeans and a grey sweater. I added my new Fendi Kan I bag in this petrol colour, which I am really in love with. I hope that you enjoyed this post and I also hope you will have time to ice skate yourself!
Vánoce jsou pomalu za dveřmi a já si vánoční atmosféry a nálady snažím užívat na plno. Bohužel mám teď na své univerzitě zkouškové, ale přesto, že se musím učit, jsem stihla navštívit vánoční trhy v Praze i Drážďanech, nazdobit vánoční stromeček a také jsem se tento rok vydala bruslit! Jelikož se ze dne na den pořádně ochlazuje, jsem moc ráda, že jsem si na začátku zimy pořídila svůj (umělý) kožich ze Zary, na který nedám dopustit! Dneska mám na sobě nový z We are fur. Zkombinovala jsem ho s bílými džínami, šedým svetrem a novou petrolejovou Kan I od Fendi, kterou naprosto zbožňuju. Doufám, že se Vám tenhle trochu nevšdní post bude líbit a že si užíváte Vánoc na plno!
To read more of Barbora’s blog click the link here: